As a family physician working in the community as well as in long term care (LTC) homes for 18+ years, Dr. Amy Wong serves patients ranging in ages from newborns to elderly seniors. Working closely with the hospital and the LTC homes in York Region, she shares her knowledge and clinical experience through the Family Practice Network (FPN) to improve senior care.
She enjoys working in culturally diverse LTC homes. Dr. Amy Wong works as an Attending Physician at Mackenzie Health LTC Centre and as the Medical Director & an Attending Physician at Mon Sheong Richmond Hill LTC Centre. Both LTC settings have provided her with a plethora of experience and lifelong friendships with colleagues.
- Why is it important to raise awareness about falls prevention?
As the senior population grows and life longevity increases, there will be more frail seniors living in the community. Frailty of advanced age affects both male and female seniors. It is important to bring awareness to the general public including patients, family members, and caregivers. The quality of life often reduces significantly after a fall. Frequent falls lead to fear of ambulation, which leads to deconditioning and reduced mobility. This in turn leads to social isolation. Social isolation leads to further health issues such as cognitive decline, depression, obesity, and substance use.
Raising awareness about falls prevention will help reduce fracture risks, avoid unexpected hospital transfer and hospitalization, and minimize preventable surgeries. Increased hospitalizations and reduced quality of life for the patients with falls could lead to caregivers’ burnout as well as clinician burnout.
Who is typically at higher risk of injury from falls?
Higher risk of injury from falls occurs in certain populations. These include those with:
- advanced age
- musculoskeletal/ neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, muscular atrophy, Huntington’s Disease
- cognitive impairment
- stroke history
- heart failure
- COPD/ Emphysema
- smoking history
- patients with osteoporosis or kidney disease
- conditions that can cause dizziness such as vertigo
Tell us more about the main causes of falls and how can they be prevented?
Falls occur mainly due to gait instability and postural imbalance. Important to work on coordination and agility as we all age, especially for postmenopausal females and elderlies.
Some suggestions to prevent falls include:
– Taking supplements such as Calcium and Vitamin D to help with bone health is essential.
– Taking Turmeric which has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain and swelling from chronic degenerative joints is also helpful. Reducing inflammation will allow patients to ambulate and exercise the full range of motion more readily and reduce risk of contractures and stiffness.
– Smoking cessation is important since nicotine is known to reduce bone density and increases risk of osteoporosis.
– Staying healthy, improving hydration and food intake
– Doing weight bearing exercises such as step aerobics, hiking, and weight training help with maintaining bone density.
– Attending Zumba, yoga, pilates, and Tai Chi classes will help with promoting agility and coordination.
Osteoporosis Canada provides excellent resources on prevention of osteoporosis – https://osteoporosis.ca/exercise-recommendations/