What is the goal of the Family Practice Network of Western York Region (FPN-WYR)?
The FPN-WYR currently represents about 87 physician family physicians in the communities of Vaughan, Richmond Hill and King. We continue to grow the FPN-WYR membership to reflect the diversity of family practice in Western York Region. Our vision is a unified primary care community that effectively shapes and supports integrated health care in Western York Region. Our mission is to provide equitable, accessible and high-quality family practice services across Western York Region in alignment with the Quadruple Aim framework and through strategic planning, innovative co-design, and digital health enablement. The FPN has been involved in several funded initiatives including Online Appointment Booking and MoCA certification.
How can Family Physicians get involved in the Family Practice Network?
There are a number of ways family physicians can participate in the FPN. They are listed below:
- Join the FPN email list to receive our monthly FPN e-newsletters and timely updates on FPN and OHT events.
- Join the FPN WhatsApp group to stay connected with your colleagues in the community. This group provides family physicians with a private, safe, and respectful space to share ideas, ask questions, and get collegial support around topics of interest related to primary care.
- Attend the FPN monthly meetings where family physicians come together to tackle common practice issues, learn about various community programs to support patients and their providers, and to engage in the co-design of prospective integrated care initiatives in the region.
If you are interested in joining the Western York Region OHT’s Family Practice Network, please visit here.